Gladys Mitchell

 Gladys Mitchell 's Books

A very well recieved series by Gladys Mitchell are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Rising of the Moon (Mrs. Bradley), The Dancing Druids (Mrs. Bradley), [Mrs Bradley 45] - A Hearse on May Day, [Mrs Bradley 55] - Nest of Vipers, Shades of Darkness (Timothy Herring), Heavy as Lead (Timothy Herring), The Croaking Raven (Mrs. Bradley), Faintley Speaking (Mrs. Bradley), Pageant of Murder (Mrs. Bradley), Winking at the Brim (Mrs. Bradley), My Bones Will Keep (Mrs. Bradley), Late and Cold (Timothy Herring), Bismarck Herrings (Timothy Herring), Say It With Flowers (Mrs. Bradley), Mingled With Venom (Mrs. Bradley), The Man Who Grew Tomatoes (Mrs. Bradley), Death of a Delft Blue (Mrs. Bradley), The Man Who Grew Tomatoes, Merlin's Furlong, [Mrs Bradley 41] - Three Quick and Five Dead, Here Lies Gloria Mundy (Mrs. Bradley), Say It With Flowers, Lament for Leto (Mrs. Bradley), Printer's Error (Mrs. Bradley), [Mrs Bradley 50] - Late, Late in the Evening, Printer's Error, The Crozier Pharaohs (Mrs. Bradley), Lovers, Make Moan (Mrs. Bradley), Gory Dew (Mrs. Bradley), The Mudflats of the Dead (Mrs. Bradley), Skeleton Island (Mrs. Bradley), The Croaking Raven, Adders on the Heath (Mrs. Bradley), Fault in the Structure (Mrs. Bradley), Twelve Horses and the Hangman's Noose (Mrs. Bradley), Noonday and Night (Mrs. Bradley), Death of a Burrowing Mole (Mrs. Bradley), A Javelin for Jonah (Mrs. Bradley), Merlin's Furlong (Mrs. Bradley), The Death-Cap Dancers (Mrs. Bradley), Cold, Lone and Still (Mrs. Bradley), No Winding Sheet (Mrs. Bradley), The Whispering Knights (Mrs. Bradley), Your Secret Friend (Timothy Herring), Convent on Styx (Mrs. Bradley), The Death-Cap Dancers mb-59, Noonday and Night mb-51, Mingled With Venom mb-54, No Winding-Sheet mb-65, Groaning Spinney, which was published in 2022.